Friday, September 13, 2013

Child Concentration

While scrolling down Pintrest’s newsfeed, I came across a blog post with the title “Foster Your Child’s Ability to Concentrate”. I found this really interesting because one of life’s greatest struggles is getting a child to focus on one task at a time.  What we do not know is that most of the time we break the children’s concentration by asking what they are doing or checking in on them. This is a very common mistake. If you put a project in front of a child, then they will often let their imagination take over. According to this person, she placed a project in front of the child and left the room. She did not ask her what she was making and she did not continuously check on her. She told the child to come find her when she was done. The child commonly can only focus for 12 minutes, but when this child was left alone, she focused for a full 45 minutes. This is really amazing and should be considered in the future for different projects or assignments. It definitely allows the children to be themselves and get more accomplished because they are putting their creativity to the test.

To read more about this, the link is:

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